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Stream Ozone

Stream Ozone

of industrial ozone generators
and ozonation systems



Ozonation systems for industrial enterprises are divided into two types: systems for ozone supplying directly to the atmosphere of the room to be treated and systems for water ozonation.

Systems of the first type are used for disinfection, deodorization and indoor deratization. These ozonation systems are used for purification of discharged gases from harmful contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms too.

Systems of the second type are used for ozonation of various fluids.

Ozonation system can be mounted on a separate frame or on a wall. Ozonation system for supplying ozone to room atmosphere consists of air dryer, compressor, ozone generator, control unit with timer, collector with flow meter and pipeline distribution network. An air prepared by dryer is used for ozone generating, the working gas is supplied to the ozone generator by compressor. The ozone generator generates ozone from dried air which is supplied over a special ozone-resisting pipeline network to gas application site.

Water ozonation system consists of ozone generator, air dryer, compressor, pump and reaction tank. Air from the atmosphere is supplied through the dryer to the ozone generator using compressor. The generated ozone is supplied to the reaction tank where it is mixed with water and then the ozonated water is supplied to site of its further application.

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