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Stream Ozone

Stream Ozone

of industrial ozone generators
and ozonation systems



potato fruit vegetable storage equipment ozonation disinfection with ozone vegetable storage systems, industrial controlled atmosphere storage processing disinfection deodorization
potato fruit vegetable storage equipment ozonation disinfection with ozone vegetable storage systems, industrial controlled atmosphere storage processing disinfection deodorization

Ozonation systems for vegetable stores using industrial ozone generators offer new opportunities to increase the economic benefits and solve various problems arising in the course of product storage.

Multipurpose application of ozonation systems for vegetable stores makes it possible to achieve significant increase of product safety indicators. Ozone is an effective disinfectant destroying mold, bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins in air, water and on surfaces. The ozonation procedure can be carried out at all stages of vegetable store operation: for disinfection of vegetable stores before vegetable storage, for disinfection of containers, for disinfection and deratization during storage.

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