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Stream Ozone

Stream Ozone

of industrial ozone generators
and ozonation systems



Ozonation systems for seed pre-sowing treatment are developed in collaboration with leading experts in seed selection. Ozone - the unique oxidant that controls pathogens on a grain surface while acting as an activating agent. Obsolete methods of seed pre-sowing preparation have a negative impact on seeds decreasing their quality. Yield increase is achieved due to ozone integrated effect on a grain. Ozone neutralizes pathogens which negatively affect seeds; metabolic processes are activated after the treatment inside of the grain and the germination ability and energy increase. After seeds have been sown they germinate simultaneously, it is very important for harvesting. Ultimately all positive actions of ozone result in significant yield increase.

Customers: CAE «Druzhba»; CAE «Iskra», АО «Pavlovka», CAE “Agrofirma kolkhoz Rossiya”.

Objective: : to create a portable ozonation system that could operate under the conditions of high humidity and dust and be insensitive to conditions of transportation to treatment area; to increase crop yields.

Solution: Portable ozonation system was manufactured. It consists of two ozone generators, compressor, collector, piping and injectors for ozone supplying into grain. Ozone generators are manufactured with regard for operation under severe conditions. Application of the ozonation system increased crop yields from 10 to 40%.

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