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Stream Ozone

Stream Ozone

of industrial ozone generators
and ozonation systems



Objective: to provide the vegetable store for onion, carrot, beet, potatoes and cabbage with the ozonation system. The total capacity of the vegetable store is 3000 tons of products. The size of chambers is from 3000 up to 6000 m³. The equipment should operate in automatic mode. The equipment should be installed in vegetable processing and distribution room and should not interfere with warehouse equipment operation. Vegetable store in Kharkov

Solution: The ozonation system for alternative ozonation of all store chambers was designed and commissioned. The system is implemented on the basis of 4 ozone generators OzW 5/9. The total system productivity is 27g of ozone per hour. Ozone generators, filter, air drier, compressor and control unit with timer were installed on a wall of the store. Such installation ensures the most effective processing and distribution of the room space. Control unit with timer allows setting the start and end time for storage chamber treatment in automatic mode. Gassing of chambers is carried out in the absence of people in chambers, usually at night. According to a specified schedule all store chambers have been subjected to ozonation within a week. Ozone is supplied to chambers over a special ozone-resistant pipeline distribution network. The network total length is 240 m.

Vegetable stores in Kharkov

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